Introduction to Hyde Posts#
Making blog posts with Hyde is easy. At the most basic level, all you need is to add a Markdown file to your _posts
To use the full power of the Hyde post module you'll want to add YAML Front Matter to your posts.
You can interactively scaffold posts with automatic front matter using the HydeCLI:
php hyde make:post
Learn more about scaffolding posts, and other files, in the console commands documentation.
Short Video Tutorial#
Best Practices and Hyde Expectations#
Since Hyde does a lot of things automatically, there are some things you may need to keep in mind when creating blog posts so that you don't get unexpected results.
- Markdown post files are stored in the
directory - The filename is used as the filename for the compiled HTML
- Filenames should use
followed by the
- Files prefixed with
are ignored by Hyde - Your post will be stored in
✔ _posts/ # Valid and will be compiled to _site/posts/hello-world.html
Date Prefixes#
You optionally can set a blog post's publication date by prefixing the filename with a date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD
). Optionally, you can also include the time (HH-MM
# Basic date prefix (sets date to 2024-11-05 00:00)
# Date and time prefix (sets date to 2024-11-05 10:30)
The date prefix will be:
- Stripped from the route key (resulting in clean URLs like
) - Used to set the post's publication date (unless explicitly defined in front matter)
Important notes:
- Dates must be in ISO 8601 format (
) - Days and months must use leading zeros (e.g.,
) - Time is optional and uses 24-hour format with a hyphen separator (
) - Front matter dates take precedence over filename dates
- Using date prefixes is entirely optional!
This feature provides an intuitive way to organize your blog posts chronologically while maintaining clean URLs, and matches the behavior of many popular static site generators for interoperability.
Front Matter#
Front matter is optional, but highly recommended for blog posts as the front matter is used to construct dynamic HTML markup for the post as well as meta tags and post feeds.
You are encouraged to look at the compiled HTML to learn and understand how your front matter is used. You can read more about the Front Matter format in the Front Matter documentation.
Blog Post Example#
Before digging deeper into all the supported options, let's take a look at what a basic post with front matter looks like.
Filepath: _posts/
title: My New Post
description: A short description used in previews and SEO
category: blog
author: Mr. Hyde
date: 2022-05-09 18:38
## Write Your Markdown Here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
Autem aliquid alias explicabo consequatur similique,
animi distinctio earum ducimus minus, magnam.
Supported Front Matter Properties#
Post Front Matter Schema#
Here is a quick reference of the supported front matter properties. Keep on reading to see further explanations, details, and examples.
title |
string | "My New Post" |
description |
string | "A short description" |
category |
string | "my favorite recipes" |
date |
string | "YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM]" |
author |
string/array | See author section |
image |
string/array | See image section |
Note that YAML here is pretty forgiving. In most cases you do not need to wrap strings in quotes. However, it can help in certain edge cases, for example if the text contains special Yaml characters, thus they are included here.
In the examples below, when there are multiple examples, they signify various ways to use the same property.
When specifying an array you don't need all the sub-properties. The examples generally show all the supported values.
title: "My New Post"
description: "A short description used in previews and SEO"
category: blog
category: "My favorite recipes"
date: "2022-01-01"
date: "2022-01-01 12:00"
Specify a page author, either by a username for an author defined in the authors
config, or by an arbitrary name,
or by an array of author data.
Arbitrary name displayed "as is"#
author: "Mr. Hyde"
Username defined in authors
author: mr_hyde
Array of author data#
# These are used in the default author templates
name: "Mr. Hyde"
username: mr_hyde
# These are not used in the default author templates, but can be used in your custom views
bio: "The mysterious author of HydePHP"
avatar: avatar.png
twitter: "@HydeFramework"
github: "hydephp"
When using an array, you don't need to include all properties. Specified values will override the corresponding entries in the authors
Note: Author usernames are automatically normalized (converted to lowercase with spaces replaced by underscores).
Specify a cover image for the post, either by a local image path for a file in the _media/
directory, or by a full URL.
Any array data is constructed into a dynamic fluent caption, and injected into post and page metadata.
Local image path#
When supplying an image source with a local image path, the image is expected to be stored in the _media/
Like all other media files, it will be copied to _site/media/
when the site is built, so Hyde will resolve links accordingly.
image: image.jpg
Full URL#
Full URL starting with http(s)://
) or //
The image source will be used as-is, and no additional processing is done.
Data-rich image#
You can also supply an array of data to construct a rich image with a fluent caption.
source: Local image path or full URL
altText: "Alt text for image"
titleText: "Tooltip title"
copyright: "Copyright (c) 2022"
licenseName: "CC-BY-SA-4.0"
authorName: "John Doe"
See posts/introducing-images for a detailed blog post with examples and schema information!
Using Images in Posts#
To use images stored in the _media/
directory, you can use the following syntax:
![Image Alt](../media/image.png "Image Title")
Note the relative path since the blog post is compiled to posts/example.html
To learn more, check out the managing assets chapter on the topic.