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Creating Static Pages

Introduction to Hyde Pages

Hyde offers two ways to create static pages: Markdown pages which are perfect for simple pages that focus heavily on the content, and Blade pages which are perfect for more complex pages where you want full control over the HTML, and where you may want to include other components or want to use dynamic PHP code.

Let's start with the basics.

Best Practices and Hyde Expectations

Since Hyde does a lot of things automatically, there are some things you may need to keep in mind when creating blog posts so that you don't get unexpected results.


  • Hyde Pages are files stored in the _pages directory
  • The filename is used as the filename for the compiled HTML
  • Filenames should use kebab-case-identifier format, followed by the appropriate extension
  • Files prefixed with _underscores are ignored by Hyde
  • Your page will be stored in _site/<identifier>.html
  • Blade pages will override any Markdown pages with the same filename when compiled

Creating Markdown Pages

Markdown pages are the easiest way to create static pages. You can create a Markdown page by adding a file to the _pages directory where the filename ends in .md. You can also use Front Matter to add page metadata.

Scaffolding Markdown Pages

Scaffolding a Markdown page is as easy as using the HydeCLI.

php hyde make:page "Page Title"

This will create the following file saved as _pages/

title: Page Title

# Page Title

// Write your content here

You can of course also create the file yourself with your text editor.

Front Matter is optional

The most common front matter used for Markdown pages is the title, which is used as the HTML <title>.

If you don't supply a front matter title, Hyde will attempt to find a title in the Markdown body by searching for the first level one heading (# Page Title), and if that fails, it will generate one from the filename.

Navigation Front Matter

Furthermore, you can customize how the page appears in the navigation menu using the following front matter options. You can set just one or all of them, as Hyde will fill in the gaps for the rest.

    label: 'string',
    priority: 'int',
    hidden: 'bool',
    group: 'string',
  • label is the text that will be displayed in the navigation menu
  • priority is the order in which the page will appear in the navigation menu (order is also supported)
  • hidden will hide the page from the navigation menu (visible) is also supported, but obviously invert the value)
  • group will put the page in a dropdown menu with the specified group name (category) is also supported)

Creating Blade Pages

Since Hyde is based on Laravel and uses the powerful Blade templating engine, you can use Blade pages to create more complex pages with both standard HTML, PHP code, and the templating opportunities provided by Blade directives.

If you are not familiar with Blade, you may want to read the Laravel Blade docs first.

Scaffolding Blade Pages

We can scaffold Blade pages using the same CLI command as Markdown pages, however, this time we need to specify that we want to use the blade page type, by using the --type option.

php hyde make:page "Page Title" --type="blade"

This will create a file saved as _pages/page-title.blade.php

You can of course also create the file yourself with your text editor, however, the scaffolding command for Blade pages is arguably even more helpful than the one for Markdown pages, as this one automatically adds the included app Layout.

Let's take a look at the scaffolded file. You can also copy and paste this if you don't want to use the scaffolding command.

@php($title = "Page Title")

<main class="mx-auto max-w-7xl py-16 px-8">
    <h1 class="text-center text-3xl font-bold">Page Title</h1>


Tip: You don't have to use Blade in Blade pages. It's also perfectly fine to use plain HTML, however you still need to use the blade.php extension so Hyde can recognize it.

When to use which?

Markdown pages look great and work well for simple "about" pages and the like, but with Markdown we are still pretty limited.

If you are comfortable with it and have the need for it, use Blade to create more complex pages! And mix and match between them! Some page types are better suited for Markdown, and others for Blade. Don't limit yourself to just one type.


Markdown Blade
➕ Easily created and updated ➕ Full control over the HTML
➕ Very fast to create simple and lightweight pages ➕ Use the default app layout or create your own
➕ Suited for content-heavy pages such as "about us" ➕ Use Blade templates and components to keep code DRY
➖ Not as flexible as Blade pages ➕ Use arbitrary PHP right in the page to create dynamic content
➕ Access to all Blade helper directives like @foreach, @if, etc.
➖ Takes longer to create as you need to write the markup
➖ You may need to recompile your CSS if you add Tailwind classes

Live Demos

The Hyde website ( uses both Markdown and Blade pages. The homepage for example, is a Blade page and uses a bunch of custom HTML.

A great example of a Markdown page can be found at, you can see the page source here on GitHub.

Bonus: Creating HTML Pages

If you have an already created HTML page, simply drop it into the _pages directory and Hyde will copy it over as it is into the _site directory. Like all other Hyde pages, the page will show up in the navigation menu using a title parsed from the filename. You won't be able to change any settings with front matter, however.