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Creating a static HTML post using HydePHP

Posted by author in the category "tutorials"

This tutorial assumes you have already setup HydePHP.

This blog post will show how to scaffold a blog post using the Hyde CLI

Visual learner? Here is a short video showcasing the process:

We will be using the make command to scaffold our file. In your favourite terminal, navigate to your project directory and run the command.

php hyde make:post

We should now get the following output:

Creating a new post!
Please enter the title of the post, it will be used to generate the slug.
What is the title of the post?:

Let's fill in the title we want and hit enter.

Next, we will be asked to fill in some meta information. These are not required and you can just hit return to use the defaults, though they will make the post look nice so we will add them here!

What is the title of the post?:
> Creating a static HTML post using HydePHP
Tip: You can just hit enter to use the defaults.
Write a short post excerpt/description:
> In this tutorial we go through the simple process of generating a static blog post
What is your (the authors) name?:
> Caen
What is the primary category of the post?:
> tutorials

Next, we will be given a preview of what the post will look like. If something does not look write we can write no to abort. But for now, we will hit enter to use the preselected yes option.

Creating a post with the following details:
Title: Creating a static HTML post using HydePHP
Description: In this tutorial, we go through the simple process of generating a static blog post
Author: Caen
Category: tutorials
Date: 2022-03-19 16:19
Slug: creating-a-static-html-post-using-hydephp
Do you wish to continue? (yes/no) [yes]:
> yes
Post created! File is saved to /dev/HydeDocs/_posts/

Awesome! As you can see the current date has automatically been injected using the proper format. A slug has also been generated.

We can also use the outputted file path to open the Markdown file in our text editor. I'm using VSCode.

This is the contents of the file. The title has also been filled in for us.

title: Creating a static HTML post using HydePHP
description: In this tutorial, we go through the simple process of generating a static blog post
category: tutorials
author: Caen
date: 2022-03-19 16:19
slug: creating-a-static-html-post-using-hydephp
# Creating a static HTML post using HydePHP

Now that we have the file, let's fill in the post with actual content and then we can build the site!

If this is the first time you are building the site you may need to compile the frontend assets using NPM. If you don't have NPM you can download the files from the latest GitHub release and add them to the _site directory.

npm install
npm run dev

And then we build the site with

php hyde build

We can now open up the created file with is saved in _site/posts/creating-a-static-html-post-using-hydephp.html!

Syntax highlighting by

End of article